How to Enroll
How to Enroll
Ke Kula ʻo ʻEhunuikaimalino is a Hawaiʻi Public Department of Education school for Hawaiian Language Immersion grades K-12. Our enrollment and withdrawal procedures comply with the Administrative Rules of the Department of Education. Enrollment is open to all. If you are interested in enrolling your child, please read the following:
Papa Mālaaʻo (Kindergarten): To be eligible for next school year’s papa mālaaʻo, he/she must be age 5 on or before July 31 of the entering school year. Registration begins in February. The registration packet is provided via a link below or it can be picked up at the keʻena (office) during business hours 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Completed registration forms and required documents will be accepted at the keʻena. Contact the Luna ʻIkepili Haumāna (Registrar) to schedule an appointment via email at [email protected] or call 313-3131
More information about Health Requirements and Personal Documents can be found at the State of Hawaiʻi DOE website. The forms are on the right hand side of the page.
Contact the Keʻena (office) at 313-3131 or email [email protected] with any questions.
Papa Mālaaʻo Registration Packet
Papa ʻEkahi (Grade 1): To enroll your child in papa ʻekahi (first grade), your child must have successfully completed kindergarten. If your child is transferring from another school (kaiapuni or non-kaiapuni), contact the registrar for assistance with registration.
Papa ʻElua (Grade 2) and older: Please call our Keʻena at 313-3131 to set up an appointment to discuss late entry to kaiapuni education. Incoming transfer students from other Hawaiian immersion schools may be accepted without a meeting. Incoming haumāna in grades 9-12 must have the required credits for Hawaiian Language Arts to transfer in accordance with our BOE waiver. Please read over the MOU to gain understanding of the program and its purpose: